Apr 27, 2009

Morse Code Day

April 27th is Morse Code Day; this day remembers the birthday of Samuel Morse, inventor of the Morse code. For this reason every year we celebrate Morse Code Day on 27th April, so celebrate this day with very gloriously and send some messages of love and friendship through various morse code to all you know and love also make the day memorable with your favorite site rumela.

WE LOVE ALL CODES - KM is always looking at different types of codes and runic scripts so this will be right up her alley! Here are some great ways to integrate this into your day -
I will let you know later how we made out!

So we had a VERY busy day, but we did get a chance this afternoon to talk about Samuel Morse while we were in the car and we discussed what Morse Code was/is used for and KM had some fun decoding things, then we got home and she went to google something and saw that the google logo was in morse code today as well - very neat!
We then used the walkie talkies and tried to get code things to one another -
I must say that she was much better at it than I was!

This will be my last "holiday posting" until the fall as we are slowing our studies down a bit and I have just not been really great about getting to them - so we are gonna take a break from and maybe do holiday weeks in the fall - you would be amazed at how many things are celebrated each week!!! Hope you have enjoyed!

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